Personakt Antavla

Anna Marie Gullickson

Blev 91 år.

Far:Gunleik (Gullick) Torbjornson Vaarstulen (1844 - 1890)
Mor:Helga Holjesdotter Traaer (1841 - 1907)

Född:1876-03-18 Plymouth Township, Juneau, Wisconsin, (USA). [1]Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services, Madison, WI, Wisconsin Vital Records Index, pre-1907, Wisconsin State Historical Society, Reel 0321, Record DX0132.
Döpt:1876-04-30 East Lemonweir Lutheran Church, Juneau Co., Wisconsin, (USA). [1]BAPTISM
Anna's baptism sponsors were Tarje O. Juve, Anne Helgesdtr., Amund O. Legaard and Magla Thormodsdtr.
Konfirmerad:1891-06-07 East Lemonweir Church, Juneau Co., Wisconsin, (USA). [1]CONFIRMATION
She was confirmed June 7, 1891 at the East Lemonweir Church.
Bosatt:1952 Plymouth Township, Juneau, Wisconsin, (USA). [1]1952 PLAT BOOK
Anna Wood owns 40 acres in Fountain (section 35) and 90.45 acres in Plymouth (section 2 & 3). Neighbors: north; Oscar Ormson; east, Christian Mayenschein; west, Oscar Ormson and Gilbert Gullickson; south, Anton Thompson.
Födelsedag::1958-03 Plymouth Township, Juneau, Wisconsin, (USA). [1]OBSERVED 82nd BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY - March 1958
Mrs. Anna Wood, who makes her home with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wehman and family of New Lisbon, observed her 82nd birthday anniversary Sunday at the Mayenschien home in the town of Fountain.
Mrs. Wood has seven children, 15 grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren. She is very active and has many hobbies such as knitting, embroidery, and crocheting and also enjoys a good game of canasta. She received many lovely gifts, floral pieces and congratulatory cards.
Members of the family and other guests present included: Dr. and Mrs. Chris Mayenschien of Janesville, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Wood and Cheryl of New Lisbon, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ristow of New Lisbon, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Johnson of Elroy, Mr. and Mrs. Jens Haug and family of Cobb, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wehman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sundin and daughter of New Lisbon, Mr. and Mrs. James Barrett and family of Camp Douglas, Mrs. Sarah Johnson, Hilbert Johnson and Enoch Johnson of Milwaukee and Jackie Fulleman of Janesville.
One daughter, Mrs. Robert Fulleman and family were unable to be present because of illness
Bosatt:1964 Plymouth Township, Juneau, Wisconsin, (USA). [1]1964 PLAT BOOK
Anna Wood owns 40 acres in Fountain (section 35) and 80 acres in Plymouth (section 2 & 3) - Neighbors: north Theodore Haraus; east, Christian Mayenschein; west, J. Haraus & Gilbert Gullickson; south, Anton Thompson and Henry Lee.
Bosatt:1967 Plymouth Township, Juneau, Wisconsin, (USA). [1]1976 PLAT BOOK
Farm is no longer owned by the Wood family, owned by Adolph Wenz.
Begravd:1967-11 East Lemonweir Cemetery, Fountain Twp., Wisconsin, (USA). [1]Juneau County Cemetery Book 3 (Juneau Co. Genealogical Society, 1988), p. 231.
Död:1967-11-27 Mauston, Juneau, Wisconsin, (USA). [1]Elroy Tribune (Juneau Co., WI newspaper), 7 Dec 1967, .

Mrs. Anna M. Wood, 91, New Lisbon, died Nov 27, 1967 in a Mauston nursing home after a long illness.
Born in Plymouth, the former Anna Gullickson was married to Martin in 1901. She was the oldest living member of the East Lemonweir Lutheran Church and a member of the Ladies Aid Society.
Surviving in Madison is a daughter, Mrs. Grace Houg, 6130 Nesbitt Rd.
Also surviving are five other daughters, Mrs. Leonard Johnson, Elroy; Mrs. Chris Mayenschein and Mrs. Robert Fuelleman both of Janesville; and Mrs. Elmer Ristow and Mrs. Fred Wehman of New Lisbon; a brother, Thomas, FL.; 17 grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren.

Äktenskap med Marthin Sevei Wood (1863 - 1942)

Vigsel:1901-02-20 Fountain, Juneau Co., Wisconsin, (USA). [1]New Lisbon Times (Juneau Co., WI newspaper), Front page, 20 Feb 1901, .

New Lisbon Times - 20 February 1901
The marriage of Miss Anna M. Gullickson to Martin Wood took place today at the Norwegian Lutheran church, Rev. Schieve officiating. The young couple have many friends who join in extending congratulations.

Name of Husband: Marthin Sevoi Wood
Name of father of husband: Marthin Kristianson Wood
Name of mother of husband: Hege Gundersen
Occupation of husband: farmer
Residence of husband: Plymouth, Juneau Co.
Birthplace of husband: Plymouth, Juneau Co.
Name of wife: Anna Maria Gullickson
Name of father of wife: Gullik Torbiornsen
Name of mother of wife: Helga Helgesen
Birthplace of wife: Plymouth, Juneau Co.
Time when marriage was contracted: February 20th, 1901
Place where marriage was contracted: Norw. Church , Fountain, Juneau Co.
By what ceremony contracted: clerical
Names of subscribing witnesses: Mrs. Thora Hooker and David Lyle
Name of person pronouncing marriage: Schive (Pastor)
Date of Certificate: Feb. 22nd, 1901
Date of Registration: Feb. 23rd, 1901

Gilbert Wood (1901 - 1901)
Marthin Wood (1901 - 1901)
Clara Mathilde Wood (1902 - 1996)
Maurice Herman Wood (1905 - 1966)
Agnes May Wood (1907 - 1999)
Myrtle Alma Wood (1910 - 1992)


[1]Jackie Hufschmid i Wisconsin