Personakt Antavla

29468, 29478, 29590 Gunder (Gunnar) TORGEIRSON SUND

Blev högst 78 år.

Far:58936, 58956, 59180 Torgeir SUND (1490 - 1582)
Mor:58937, 58957, 59181 Birgitte GUNNARSDATTER KVISLE (1495 - )

Född:1520 Sund, Norge.
Död:1598 Sigdal, Buskerud, Norge.

Barn med 29469, 29479, 29591 Ingebjörg NARVESDATTER KOPSENG (1510 - 1598)

14739, 14795 Sigrid GUNNARSDATTER SUND (1540 - 1626)
Birgit-Berte GUNNARSDATTER SUND (1550 - 1610)
14734 Engebret GUNNARSEN SUND (1570 - )


Gunder Torgersen Sund Torgers.
f.1520-d.1598 Sigdal, Buskerud

Gunnar Tørjersen Sund
f.1510-1545 Flesberg, Buskerud
f.1510-1545 Lyngdal, Buskerud
1547-d.1580 Sund, Hordaland
f.1510-1545 Flesberg, Buskerud
f.1510-1545 Lyngdal, Buskerud
1547-d.1580 Sund, Hordaland

Gunnar Torgeirson-Sund
f.1520-d.1598 Sigdal, Buskerud

Gunnar Tørjerson.

Bodde i Sigdal.

Han giftet seg med Ingebjørg Narvesdatter.


i Bergitte Gunnarsdatter.

Hun kom fra Sund i Sigdal. Hun var søster til Sigri Bakke i Lyngdal og Engebret Sund i Sigdal.

Hun giftet seg med Kittil Hølløvson.

ii Sigri Gunnarsdatter. Hun giftet seg med Gullek Simonsen.

iii Engebret Gunnarson.

SUND. The original Sund stretched from Hørja in the north to a border in the
south: from Kråkefjorden at Tislebakke straight up in Olhovd and further
west to the Numedal border west of Løvnes. There are many farms now. Within
the borders of the ancient Sund we find these farms: Slette, Overby,
Rustand, Lyubråtan, Bjørnrud, Sundslia, Halvorset, Horgesetrene,
Sandsbråtan, Hagajordet, Bjørnsjordet and Lindbu. These parts came from
Sund mostly through inheritances. In the cadaster of 1528 it is mentioned a
Torgeir who paid taxes for Sund. It was him, together with Eiliv Eikje, who
collected the "gjengierden" tax and delivered it - on to the bishopric. This
would suggest he was a trustworthy man, he was well off.
Torgeir Sund was married to Birgitte. Of their children we know only Gunnar
married to Ingebjørg Narvesd., got the farm. In the probate after them in
1591 - this we do not have, but it is mentioned in a boundary dispute in
1686 - there were two Sund farms, Nord- og Sø-Sund. Søre Rustand was still
under Sund, but Øverby and nordre Rustand were already split off.
Gunnar Torgeirson and Ingebjørg Narvesd. had three children:
l. Engebret, got the farm.
2. Sigrid, married Gullik Simenson Bakke.
3. Berte.
- In the probate after Gunnar and Ingebjørg in 1598 there was a large
property to divide. In dowries alone Sigrid got 5 lispund in nedre Glesne in
Krødsherad, Berte got 5 lispund in nordre Båsum, while Engebret got 5
lispund i Sund. Further Sigrid got 8 'mæle' grain in Svalestuen and the
parcels under there in Nore, 15 lispund in Bråtan in Haug parish, 21/2 lispund
in Kvisle. Berte got 2 'hud' in Haugestad and l 'hud' in Rotneim in Gol, 3
'skinn' in Oversåta (Opsata) in Ål, 5 'mæle' grain in Ulvik i Rollag, l
'mæle' in Jeljorden in Nore, 31/2 lispund in Kvisle and l1/2 'kyrlag' in Hole in
Eggedal (Teige). Engebret got 2 lispund and a 'pund' interest in Sund and
Sandsbråtan, l lispund and l 'sold' interest in Slette, 16 lispund and a
'pund' interest in Kopseng, 11/4 lispund in Engar, 21/2 lispund in Mjøseng and
41/2 lispund in Strand. This was a lot of property to be in one man's hands in
Sigdal. Gunnar met and signed the document of homage to king Kristian IV in
1591, he is mentioned as juryman in 1595. Sund paid in 'vissøre' 16 setting
grain in 1578, a mark i 'foring', later 1/2 daler. In 1582 Gunnar loaned 3
cows and 13 daler to Narve Gunnarson (later at Eikje) against a mortgage of
4 'skinn' and a 'hud' land rent in Haugestad in Gol.
Engebret Gunnarson and his wife, whose name we do not know, had
thesechildren we know of :
l. Sebjørn, married Eli Steinarsd. Frøvoll, got a part of the farm, Sø-Sund.
2. Torgeir, had a part of the farm for a while.
3. Ingebjørg, married Sjur Tingelstad at Modum.
4. Helge, got nordre Sund.
5. Kjersti Engebretsd. married l) Knut Grasvik. 2) Nils Grasvik.
- In the 'krigsskatt' (war tax) in 1614 Engebret Sund paid for 30 lispund in
Sund, 15 lispund in Kopseng, 21/2 lispund in Mjøseng and 1 11/4 lispund in
Engar. He was one of the two "landowning farmers" that were named in the
valley here, he was, like his father and grandfather, a bigwig. In 1615 Asle
Fyrand owned 5 lispund in Sund. In 1629 Eivind Ellingsen of Kopseng traded a
part of Sø-Sund to Engebret Sund, 5 lispund in Narum and 11/2 lispund in
nedregarden Skinnes in exchange to get back 181/2, lispund in Kopseng. The
same year Engebret is mentioned as a juryman. He ran a sawmill in Hørja and
cut 45 'tylfter' "pieces" for which he was taxed in 1624. The same year he
had altogether 30 lispund in Kopseng, 5 lispund in Ulvik in Rollag, 2
'skinn' in Rustad in Numedal, in "Neder Li" 4 'skinn' and in "Opsathaug" in
Hallingdal 3 'skinn' (Satgoe 1634). Over the years he got, with purchase
and exchanges, other parts of farms also, like in Støvern 5 lispund. There
was a probate after Engebret in 1663, but not recorded in the court records.
But we know that his daughter Ingebjørg inherited 11/2 lispund in Slette, 4
lispund in Rustand and 21/2 lispund in Skinnes. Engebret died about 1639. Now
the farm was divided again. It was, as mentioned, divided in 1591, but had
been gathered again in one hand later. Now the sons, Sebjørn, Torgeir and
Helge each took his part of Sund. (What Torgeir got, we are not certain.
Maybe it was Slette and more. He was in 1646 listed as owner of 20 lispund